Atrial Fibrillation Support Group
The Tampa General Hospital Electrophysiology Center of Excellence Atrial Fibrillation program offers a support group for all patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), their family members and caregivers.
You may have one or more of the following symptoms: feeling lightheaded (fainting), tired, shortness of breath, sweating and chest pain or swelling in your legs. Or perhaps you have no symptoms, and were surprised when the doctor said, “You have Atrial Fibrillation."
Whether newly-diagnosed with atrial fibrillation or managed for years, TGH Heart & Vascular Institute’s goal is to help reduce the fear and anxiety patients with AFib may have. Through this support group, we can provide you with educational materials, address common misconceptions, and facilitate ways for those diagnosed with atrial fibrillation to share stories about their own individual experiences.
During these sessions, you will be able to meet other patients and families facing similar challenges with this condition and ask healthcare experts your questions.
Light refreshments and beverages will be provided.
Registration for this meeting is required as seating is limited.